1 //          Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2014.
2 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
3 //    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
4 //          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
7 /// Functionality that may sometimes be needed but allows unsafe or unstandard behavior, and should only be used in specific cases.
8 module dyaml.hacks;
11 import std.stdio;
13 import dyaml.node;
14 import dyaml.style;
17 /** Get the scalar style a node had in the file it was loaded from.
18  *
19  * This is only useful for nodes loaded from files.
20  *
21  * This is a "hack" because a YAML application is supposed to be unaware of styles
22  * used in YAML styles,  i.e. treating different styles differently is unstandard.
23  * However, determining style may be useful in some cases, e.g. YAML utilities.
24  *
25  * May only be called on scalar nodes (nodes where node.isScalar() == true).
26  *
27  * Example:
28  * --------------------
29  * // Node node // loaded from a file
30  * if(node.isScalar)
31  * {
32  *     import std.stdio;
33  *     writeln(node.scalarStyleHack());
34  * }
35  * --------------------
36  */
37 ScalarStyle scalarStyleHack(ref const(Node) node) @safe nothrow
38 {
39     assert(node.isScalar, "Trying to get scalar style of a non-scalar node");
40     return node.scalarStyle;
41 }
42 unittest
43 {
44     writeln("D:YAML scalarStyleHack getter unittest");
45     auto node = Node(5);
46     assert(node.scalarStyleHack() == ScalarStyle.Invalid);
47 }
49 /** Get the collection style a YAML node had in the file it was loaded from.
50  *
51  * May only be called on collection nodes (nodes where node.isScalar() != true).
52  *
53  * See_Also: scalarStyleHack
54  */
55 CollectionStyle collectionStyleHack(ref const(Node) node) @safe nothrow
56 {
57     assert(!node.isScalar, "Trying to get collection style of a scalar node");
58     return node.collectionStyle;
59 }
60 unittest
61 {
62     writeln("D:YAML collectionStyleHack getter unittest");
63     auto node = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
64     assert(node.collectionStyleHack() == CollectionStyle.Invalid);
65 }
68 /** Set the scalar style node should have when written to a file.
69  *
70  * Setting the style might be useful when generating YAML or reformatting existing files.
71  *
72  * May only be called on scalar nodes (nodes where node.isScalar() == true).
73  */
74 void scalarStyleHack(ref Node node, const ScalarStyle rhs) @safe nothrow
75 {
76     assert(node.isScalar, "Trying to set scalar style of a non-scalar node");
77     node.scalarStyle = rhs;
78 }
79 ///
80 unittest
81 {
82     writeln("D:YAML scalarStyleHack setter unittest");
83     auto node = Node(5);
84     node.scalarStyleHack = ScalarStyle.DoubleQuoted;
85     assert(node.scalarStyleHack() == ScalarStyle.DoubleQuoted);
86 }
88 /** Set the collection style node should have when written to a file.
89  *
90  * Setting the style might be useful when generating YAML or reformatting existing files.
91  *
92  * May only be called on collection nodes (nodes where node.isScalar() != true).
93  */
94 void collectionStyleHack(ref Node node, const CollectionStyle rhs) @safe nothrow
95 {
96     assert(!node.isScalar, "Trying to set collection style of a scalar node");
97     node.collectionStyle = rhs;
98 }
99 ///
100 unittest
101 {
102     writeln("D:YAML collectionStyleHack setter unittest");
103     auto node = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
104     node.collectionStyleHack = CollectionStyle.Block;
105     assert(node.collectionStyleHack() == CollectionStyle.Block);
106 }